Online Chemical Cleaning

Online Chemical Cleaning

Chemical cleaning is the best means for removing solid deposits on the inside of the pipeline which can not be removed by mechanical cleaning like pigs. Online Pipeline chemical cleaning allows pipeline operators to internally clean hard deposits of the pipeline without taking it out of service. This is to avoid shut down of pipeline while doing the cleaning. We can design pig runs using the correct pig types and design to ensure the most effective cleaning performance program. Chemical cleaning online is the most cost-effective way of cleaning and avoiding disruption of service for extended periods of time. A pipeline section can be cleaned in few days with this method . This method needs equipment like separator which allows running medium to be separated from chemical or fluid friendly chemical can also be used . These chemicals can be designed based on fluid properties. Some of these chemicals can be fluid soluble and some can be separated using separators. The chemical concentration can be designed based on time of contact with the pipeline and this decides the volume of the chemical to be used. The pipelines cleaned online or perform flow improvements without shutting down operations.

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